Who We Are
About Us
Over time, and as the CSRC grew, tax laws changed and the CSRC acquired a 501(c)(6) status making it a non-profit organization. As such, CSRC had no means to receive and disperse charitable donations. In 2010, a group of CSRC members developed a separate 501 (c)(3) charitable organization for the purpose of continued receipt of donations for the intent of the provision of funds to Respiratory Care students.
The initial name of the organization was “Seventy Square Meters (70m2)”. The name came from a bit of Respiratory Therapy trivia taught in many texts and well known amongst educators; “The total surface area of all alveoli in a healthy adult set of lungs is approximately 70 square meters, or 800 square feet (approximately the size of half a tennis court).”
In 2019, the name was changed to California Respiratory Care Foundation (CRCF) to better reflect the organization’s mission. The CRCF continues its mission to promoting education and research in Respiratory Care while increasing public awareness of the Respiratory Care Profession.